My name is Brian Smith and I’m the founder of Bicycles In Motion. My family and I love to hit the road on the weekends and find beautiful spots around town that we can ride our bikes for a few hours. Our favorite weekend activity is to find unique bike trails and countryside roads that we can enjoy the open air.
About 17 years ago, my wife and I purchased our first bicycles together in order to get exercise and enjoy the outdoors. We were instantly hooked. We wanted to get all of the latest gear and equipment to make our riding experiences even better.
Then our 2 children came along and we wanted to share our passion with them as well. We went through all of the motions of selecting the right bicycles and equipment throughout the different phases of their life. We went through the different trends and found the things that worked and the things that didn’t work.
My goal is to be an online resource for anyone interested in bicycles, to give useful tips and insights on questions you have, and give you the needed information to make informed decisions before your next bike-related purchases. Whether you’re a serious amateur cyclist or just a recreational cyclist, I got you covered.
As a cyclist myself, I only recommend what I think is best for most people. I use my own experience, testing and usage for my recommendations.